Analytik Jena and BAM Agree to Cooperate in Research

11 Gennaio 2018
Analytik Jena and BAM

Bam and Analytik Jena AG will cooperate in the research and development of optical spectrometry in the area of elemental analysis


The Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, BAM) and Analytik Jena AG have agreed to cooperate extensively in the research and development of optical spectrometry in the area of elemental analysis. The two parties signed a corresponding cooperation agreement last week in Berlin.

The focus of the two partners’ future research efforts will be on the development of new devices and applications for element determination. In this connection, the teams will work jointly on the further development of the principles and methods of high-resolution absorption spectrometry in order to determine ultratrace concentrations of atoms and molecules.

“Within the framework of our research activities, it is important to us to network closely with partners from the scientific and user community and to involve these partners early on in the process of developing and implementing ideas,” says Ulrich Krauss, CEO of Analytik Jena AG. “We want to develop marketable products from a knowledge and transfer network consisting of clients in collaboration with partners from research institutes.”

BAM President Prof. Ulrich Panne elaborates: “We are pleased to be able to refine analysis using High-Resolution Continuum Source AAS (HR-CS AAS) technology in joint research with Analytik Jena AG. This approach also offers wide-ranging opportunities for our up-and-coming scientific talent.”

Fonte Analytik Jena Ag

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