Ellutia opens GC Excellence Academy in Cambridgeshire

20 Aprile 2018

Leading British gas chromatography supplier, Ellutia, has opened a dedicated training centre at its new state-of-the-art facility in Ely, Cambridgeshire


The GC Excellence Academy will host training courses by Royal Society of Chemistry-approved independent trainer, Anthias Consulting, as well as Ellutia-led sessions by the company’s technical experts.
As part of the Academy’s programme, Ellutia’s experts will offer a range of sessions, some of which will be bespoke for customers and others that will cover key application areas including: brewing, food safety, petrochemical, and environmental analysis. The courses confirmed for 2018 will include; Absolute Basics of GC & GC-MS, Complete GC & GC-MS, Introduction to Ultra-Fast GC, Clarity Data Station Training, Introduction to Brewing Analysis by GC and Getting Started with Cannabis Analysis.

Andrew James, Ellutia’s Marketing Director commented: “Mastering the use of modern gas chromatography instruments and maximising their potential is a key objective for scientists, students and researchers alike. Our deep heritage and expertise in GC techniques and our incredibly close relationships with customers mean that we place as much emphasis on equipping GC users with the insight they need, as we do on developing great products. We are looking forward to offering a range of courses at our new GC Excellence Academy to provide insights and training to customers, students and other scientists with the goal of advancing GC knowledge and expanding the use of this highly versatile technique.”

The Academy is housed at Ellutia’s new premises at Lancaster Way Business Park, Ely, which covers 15,000 sq. ft. The investment made in the site supports the company’s vision to be a world leader in the design and production of innovative and unique gas chromatography instruments.
Anthias Consulting is the world’s leading independent authority on Gas Chromatography (GC, GCxGC), Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS), Liquid Chromatography (HPLC, UHPLC, LCxLC), Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS), Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES or ICP-AES), Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), Spectroscopy (IR, UV/Vis, AA) and all related techniques.

To learn more about Ellutia visit 

About Ellutia
Ellutia offers a range of gas chromatographs, GC accessories, software, and consumables. Ellutia’s instruments are designed and manufactured in the UK at the company headquarters. The instruments are designed to be compact with great energy efficiency, whilst also delivering industry standard analytical performance. Ellutia has regional offices in both the USA and Germany as well as distributors around the world. Ellutia works closely with its customers and regularly produces fully customized systems tailored to their individual requirements rather than delivering off the shelf products. It is this working relationship with customers and the flexibility to adapt that sets Ellutia apart from other GC manufacturers.

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