AOAC South 2018, Atlanta (USA)

16 - 19 April 2018
Hilton Doubletree Buckhead - Atlanta, Georgia

“The Scientific Association Dedicated to Analytical Excellence”

AOAC’s Annual Meeting offers scientific sessions, roundtables, workshops, and poster presentations to meet a variety of analytical needs. Nowhere else can you find access to this level reliable knowledge. AOAC brings you science-based research from the top scientists in the world; technical information about changes and advances in methodology; and access to techniques and applications.

In our pursuit toward analytical excellence we work together to develop and validate better methods, establish best laboratory practices, create robust quality management systems, and build sustainable laboratory organizations.
Peer-to-peer networking with top scientistsis imperative so that laboratories can adapt to an environment of constant change.
Join us for the 32nd Annual Meeting as we provide our attendees with new topic areas in biotechnology, energy innovations, nutraceuticals, and nanotechnology.

Come hear about promising tools and resources needed to develop improved analytical methods and sustain excellence in these challenging fields of study.

The Southern Section of AOAC International is a strictly volunteer non-profit organization of chemists and microbiologists committed to providing associates with excellent technical training with our workshops and the latest in analytical problem solving. We present these opportunities at our Annual Meeting each year where you will see the best in chemical and microbiological technical presentations.



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