Welcome to the International exhibition Analitika Expo!

Analitika Expo is the largest international exhibition of laboratory equipment and reagents in Russia.

It is the most effective fair for the leading manufacturers and suppliers to introduce and promote their products in a prospective Russian market.

The annual exhibition attracts visitors from R&D, chemical industry, pharmaceuticals, health care, medicine, diagnostics, environmental protection, food industry, oil and gas. All of them are looking to connect directly with innovative product suppliers and manufactures.

The list of Analitika Expo exhibitors includes such well-known companies as Analytik-Jena, Bruker, Fritsch, Lauda, Miele, Rigaku, Sartorius, Shimadzu, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Velder, Zeiss and many others.

Analitika Expo is attended by quality buyers and executives of research and development organizations and enterprises, oil product quality test laboratories, chemical, pharmaceutical, food, medical, clinical diagnostic, environmental and other types of laboratories.

Laboratory equipment: spectrometric equipment, microscopes , laboratory scales , metering , heating mantles , stirrers , water baths , heating plates , peristaltic pumps , devices for drying of laboratory glassware and many others.

Laboratory furniture: hoods , laboratory tables , tables – sinks, chairs and stools , chemically resistant fans , filtration systems and more. All for chromatography : chromatographs , detectors , generators, compressors , gas chromatography- mass spectrometer , consumables and accessories , methodological support .

Devices for electrochemical measurements : pH- meters , ion meters , conductivity meters , nitremeters, oximeters , voltammetric analyzers, multiparametr  instruments.

Thermometers and hygrometers

Chemical laboratory equipment for quality control of oil and petroleum products

Gas analyzers : automobile gas analyzers, portable gas analyzers, portable gas analyzers, stationary gas analyzers, versatile gas analyzers, infrared gas analyzers, infrared optical absorption gas analyzers, dust meters , devices for measuring dust , generators and other gas mixtures .

Chemical reagents: certified solutions, disinfection and sterilization , acid , nutrient media and their components , food colorings , Standard – captions, chemicals and more.

Suppliers of laboratory equipment which take into account the different features of your laboratory , provide the best conditions for carrying out research and experiments using the selection of optimum equipment , tableware, furniture and ancillary laboratory equipment participates at Analitika Expo.

The exhibition features everything you need for complex equipment of laboratories , and visitors have the opportunity to sign lucrative contracts with the largest Russian distributors of laboratory equipment.



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Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano in data 07.02.2017 al n. 60 Editrice Industriale è associata a:


Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano in data 07.02.2017 al n. 59

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