Dual-Comb Spectroscopy (DCS) at High Resolution (< 0.001 cm-1) for Gas Mixture Studies
9 Luglio 2020

Webinar: Dual-Comb Spectroscopy (DCS) at High Resolution (< 0.001 cm-1) for Gas Mixture Studies, with Florian Eigenmann and Muriel Lepère (University of Namur).
Understanding of the intra- and inter-molecular interactions in gas phase requires a very precise determination of line shape parameters. It needs a lot of measurements performed at high resolution (<0.001 cm-1).
Since a long time FTIR spectroscopy as well as laser-based spectroscopies have been used for such studies. The recent development of Dual-Comb Spectroscopy (DCS) at high resolution makes of this technique a powerful tool for gas phase studies.
The IRis-F1 allows to scan relatively large spectral ranges (>60 cm-1) with a high resolution (<0.001 cm-1) and is thus very well adapted for measurements of line shape parameters as individual line intensities, collisional broadenings and pressure-shifts, as well as the line shape itself.
A comparison with FTIR, diode-laser or QCL spectroscopies will be made.
Time: Jul 9, 2020 04:00 PM in Zurich
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