Euro PM2017, Milano (Italia)
1 - 5 Ottobre 2017

Milano Congressi (MiCo) - Piazzale Carlo Magno, 1, 20149 Milano
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The Euro PM Congress is the foremost event for the international powder metallurgy community that provides the focal point for industry personnel, researchers and suppliers to meet, network and develop their business.
The programme includes over 200 technical papers presented in oral and poster sessions, including EPMA Keynote Paper Award presentations, as well as five indepth Special Interest Seminars.
The Euro PM2017 social programme gave delegates additional opportunities to network, and included the Welcome and Exhibition/Poster receptions and the Congress Dinner at the Alfa Romeo Museum.
Euro PM2017 is sponsored and organised by the European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA). EPMA, a non-profit organisation formed in 1989, is the leading trade association for powder metallurgy in Europe. Its key functions are to represent the interest of the European PM community, and to promote PM technology throughout the world. Further information on membership and EPMA’s services and membership can be found at:
Verder parteciperà ad Euro PM2017
Verder Scientific parteciperà a Euro PM2017, congresso annuale su polveri e additive manufacturing che si tiene a Milano
Verder Scientific sarà presente ad Euro PM2017
Verder Scientific sarà presente ad EuroPM 2017, congresso su metallurgia delle polveri e additive manufacturing