Fluid Dynamics & Aerodynamics, Roma (Italy)
19 - 20 Ottobre 2017

Holiday Inn Rome - Aurelia Via Aurelia Km 8,400 00163 Roma Italy
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Conference Series LLC cordially invites all the participants to attend “2nd International Conference on Fluid Dynamics and Aerodynamics” during October 19-20, 2017 at Rome, Italy.
Fluid & Aerodynamics 2017 Conference will be a common platform for researchers, scholars and students from all areas of Mechanical engineering, Aerospace engineering, Aeronautics, Computational fluid dynamics and other related areas like Biomedical, Plate tectonics, Ocean currents, oil pipe lines, evolution of stars.
Conference Highlights
Micro Fluidics
Fluid Dynamics
Numerical Methods
CFD Methodology
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Heat Transfer System
Magneto Hydrodynamics
Aerodynamics Design
Biofluid Mechanics
Thermo-Fluid Dynamics