Pittcon 2022, Atlanta (USA)

5 - 9 Marzo 2022
Georgia World Congress Center, Andrew Young International Boulevard Northwest, Atlanta, Georgia, Stati Uniti

Pittcon is a dynamic, transnational exposition and comprehensive technical conference, a venue for presenting the latest advances in research and scientific instrumentation, and a platform for continuing education and career-enhancing opportunity.

At Pittcon, our goal is to advance scientific endeavor through collaboration, bringing together a world of knowledge to impact, enrich, and inspire the future of science. Pittcon is a catalyst for the exchange of information, a showcase of the latest advances in laboratory science, and a venue for international connectivity.

Proceeds from each and every Pittcon directly fund science education and outreach. Over 90% of Pittcon’s net profit goes on to fund primary and secondary education, continuing education, scholarships, laboratory improvements, and outreach activities.

Pittcon also offers an employment bureau, networking opportunities, social events, and an environment that fosters knowledge and expands your network of scientific resources.


Pittcon 2022 Expo Dates

Monday, March 7 (9am – 5pm)
Tuesday, March 8 (9am – 5pm)
Wednesday, March 9 (9am – 3pm)



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