The latest development on QCL frequency combs
15 Ottobre 2020

Webinar: The latest development on QCL frequency combs, with Jérôme Faist (Institute of Quantum Electronics, ETH Zürich, Switzerland). Hosted by Andreas Hugi
The development of quantum cascade laser (QCL) optical frequency combs has been happening at a rapid pace since the first room-temperature demonstration in 2012. The early use of these sources for dual-comb spectroscopy (DCS) in 2014 followed a rapid adoption of this technology by IRsweep.
Many of the outstanding mid-infrared challenges can nowadays be conquered by the DCS QCL technique. Rapid-reaction monitoring covering time resolutions of µs to minutes are nowadays possible at extraordinary signal-to-noise ratios using the IRis-F1. At the heart of the instrument, the QCL frequency comb source makes this possible.
In this webinar, we will cover the latest development trends of QCL frequency combs. It will give an overview of the fundamental physics resulting in QCL frequency comb output, as well as summarize where the QCL comb technology is standing these days in terms of output power, bandwidth and frequency coverage. Furthermore, we will cover QCL frequency comb technology trends and will thus also give an insight of what one can expect of this technology platform for the future.
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