HORIBA Scientific Integrates AIST-NT’S Scanning Probe Microscopy Technology

25 Gennaio 2018

Raman capabilities now range from micro- to NanoRaman and provides entry into the SPM market


After four years of successful cooperation with AIST-NT, HORIBA Scientific, a global leader in Raman spectroscopy for over 50 years, announced the acquisition of AIST-NT technology. This technology will strengthen HORIBA’s leadership in NanoRaman spectroscopy by combining the most advanced scanning probe microscopes (SPM) with HORIBA’s cutting-edge Raman technology.

AIST-NT is a provider of innovative integrated scanning systems for nanotechnology. AIST-NT solutions are based on a unique design of an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), specifically developed to be integrated with optical spectroscopies. The combination of HORIBA’s Raman spectrometers with AIST-NT SPM technology allows HORIBA to offer academic research and industrial laboratories a range of integrated AFM-Raman systems with proven Tip Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS) solutions for the identification of chemicals and materials at the nanoscale.

“The integration of the AIST-NT portfolio of proprietary solutions extends HORIBA’s market leadership in NanoRaman and Nanospectroscopy. The additional capabilities, products, personnel and development resources of AIST-NT will allow us to offer to our customers an even more  comprehensive set of present and future Nano solutions. It also provides HORIBA Scientific immediate entry into the AFM segment with a highly competitive and differentiated AFM/Raman spectroscopy offering,” commented James Thepot, Corporate Officer and President of HORIBA FRANCE SAS.

“For the first time, this integration in new hybrid solutions that marries AIST-NT’s SPM to HORIBA’s Raman solutions will provide a complete NanoRaman solution for our customers. These now range from the detector to the gratings, from the spectrometer to the AFM, fully manufactured by a single instrumentation company. HORIBA Scientific is focused on developing products and solutions that our customers can rely on. With this unequalled level of integration, we now can offer direct access to the best-in-class NanoRaman analyses,” according to Marc Chaigneau, Product Manager at HORIBA Scientific.

This type of synergistic opportunity is part of an active HORIBA development initiative, with the ultimate goal of having a more significant impact on the large field of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies.


Source Horiba Italia

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