Merck furthers scientists’ research through expanded seeding labs partnership

20 Marzo 2018
seeding labs partnership

New TeleScience online platform provides teaching and training to scientists in developing countries


Merck, a leading science and technology company, today announced an expansion of its partnership with Seeding Labs to accelerate teaching and research for thousands of scientists in the developing world.

The Life Science business sector of Merck will be the exclusive sponsor of the Boston-based nonprofit’s new TeleScience online platform. Seeding Labs’ flagship program, called Instrumental Access, helps scientists around the world conduct life-changing research by providing them with lab equipment, training and opportunities to collaborate with experts in their field. The TeleScience online platform takes this support to a new level and leverages Merck’s expertise to provide a comprehensive online resource, with educational videos created and led by trained Merck employees.

“We have long believed that the greatest scientific breakthroughs start with curious minds, but these curious minds need access to the right equipment and information,” said Udit Batra, Member of the Merck Executive Board and CEO, Life Science. “Through our expanded partnership with Seeding Labs, we are able to provide our expertise and connect the global scientific community to resources it wouldn’t otherwise have, driving innovation and accelerating access to health for people everywhere.”

The TeleScience platform will feature videos presented by Merck employees on a wide range of topics, including sterile sampling, single-use, high-performance liquid chromatography, multi-channel pipetting and rebuilding a vacuum pump. Videos will offer tips and techniques for using equipment and troubleshooting problems, as well as building networking skills.

“Scientific talent is everywhere, but resources are not,” said Dr. Nina Dudnik, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Seeding Labs. “Some of the best and brightest minds don’t have access to the tools and support they need to make the next scientific breakthroughs a reality. By sponsoring the TeleScience platform, Merck is helping us to further break down geographical barriers and support fellow scientists in the most meaningful and impactful way possible through knowledge sharing and engagement.”

The Life Science business sector of Merck first partnered with Seeding Labs in 2013 through a variety of investments: financial support for shipping equipment and supplies to Gulu University in Uganda; in-kind product donations, including 16 spectrophotometers valued at $72,500; and volunteerism, including Merck employees’ time to test, package and inventory equipment to be donated to the National University of Science and Technology in Zimbabwe for research focused on agriculture, nutrition and biofuels.

The Life Science business sector of Merck demonstrates its commitment and contribution to its surrounding ecosystem by leveraging its expertise and passion to give back to communities around the world in ways that align with its overall business objectives. To strengthen its impact and drive results, the Life Science business of Merck invests in nonprofit organizations through partnerships that advance scientific research and science education.

To learn more about efforts to date and explore the online TeleScience platform, visit


Source: Merck Millipore

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