New Spotlight 200i microscopy system helps understanding the structure of advanced laminate materials

26 Ottobre 2015
Spotlight 200i

Spotlight 200i FTIR Microscope System is a high-performance microscopy platform, designed to generate high-quality, reproducible data from a variety of sample types.


The combination of the highly-automated, very easy-to-use system and exceptional sensitivity ensures that quality spectra can be obtained from sample areas down to the diffraction limit of 10 microns.


In addition, the Spotlight 200i also has the capability to be fully upgraded to the Spotlight 400 Imaging System.


  • Highest performance signal-to-noise system giving best quality spectra and fastest imaging
  • Can operate in transmission, reflectance and automated micro-ATR for maximum sampling flexibility
  • Can be used with extended range mid-IR, near-IR or dual range FT-IR configurations to give maximum information from samples in the shortest possible time
  • Flexible, high-performance instrument allows exceptional applications capability
  • Can be upgraded to a Spotlight 400 Imaging System allowing even faster imaging and the opportunity to add ATR imaging


With the Spotlight systems, everything is designed to speed you to high-quality results, with automatic features and functions that are simply unprecedented on any IR microscope. Its advanced technology performs a variety of tasks to provide everything from automated setup to complete characterization – in record time.


For example, intelligent region of interest (ROI) finding makes time-consuming manual setup for analysis of multiple particles and layers a thing of the past, so it’s perfect for finding contaminant specks and analyzing powder samples. At the same time, automated laminate analysis routines quickly locate features and set optimum scanning conditions for the sample viewed. Plus, you can combine analyses with point scanning for multiple sample points – so you can deliver results, not spectra, for a multitude of operations.

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