Perten Instruments moves North American Headquarters to larger facility

9 Marzo 2018
Perten Instruments moves North American Headquarters to larger facility

Business Growth Results in Need for Larger Offices and Training Facilities


Perten Instruments, a PerkinElmer company, has relocated its North American headquarters to a new facility in order to meet the demands of its growing business in dairy, grain, and food.

“We were at our previous facility for more than 20 years and expanded it several times.  Our new facility features advanced training facilities for our customers and larger office spaces for our employees”, said Terry Allen, General Manager of Perten Instruments, Inc.

The new office includes a custom designed, state of the art training facility and demonstration lab. The facility will provide opportunities for customers to interact with many instruments at once in an environment designed for learning.

The new address is:

Perten Instruments, Inc.
3200 Robbins Road Suite 100A
Springfield, Illinois 62704
Tel: (217) 585 – 9440


Source Perten Instruments

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